Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has completed the re-evaluation of fungicide triforine. Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, Health Canada has determined that continued registration of products containing triforine is acceptable. An evaluation of available scientific information found that uses of triforine products meet current standards for protection of human health and the environment when used according to revised label directions, which include new mitigation measures. No additional data are required.
Triforine is a fungicide used to control fungal diseases in a range of berry crops, stone fruits, pome fruits, and ornamentals.
Outcome of Science Evaluation
With respect to human health, the health risks associated with the use of triforine and associated end-use products are acceptable when these products are used according to the revised label directions.
Triforine enters the environment when used as a fungicide on labelled crops. Based on the available scientific information, risks to the environment were found to be acceptable when triforine is used according to the revised label directions.
Triforine is valued for its systemic properties, and as an alternative to manage resistance development in susceptible fungal pathogens. It is important to ornamental growers as there are few fungicides registered to control black spot on ornamentals.
Source: Agropages