Entries by Sandra Módenes

Alivio para el déficit de cereal y girasol en España por la guerra en Ucrania al poner en producción 600.000 hectáreas de barbecho

El gran déficit de cereal y girasol que estaba teniendo España desde el estallido de la guerra de Ucrania -que se traducía no sólo en la pérdida de materia prima sino en el encarecimiento de estos productos- puede comenzar a aliviarse con la decisión tomada por la Unión Europea -a iniciativa del Ministerio de Agricultura- […]

¿Que es la Roya Amarilla?

¿Qué es la Roya Amarilla? La Roya Amarilla es una enfermedad que puede infectar a trigo, cebada, triticale y otras gramíneas. Sin embargo, los ataques agronómicamente significativos de esta enfermedad se producen en el cultivo de trigo. El agente causante de este tipo de roya es el hongo Puccinia striiformis y principalmente se encuentra en […]

China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to ban four highly toxic pesticides

To ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products and the safety of people, the ecological environment and livestock, China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has decided to ban four highly toxic pesticides. These 4 pesticides are as follows: Phorate Isophenphos-methyl Isocarbophos Ethoprophos It has been decided that as of September 1 of this […]

Argentina is the second largest exporter of soybeans to Colombia

The geopolitical crisis in Ukraine is having an impact on countries in the region. The Colombian government is no exception and is trying to avoid double-digit inflation. Countries such as Argentina have taken measures through their economic cabinet to deal with this situation. It was learned that Argentina will suspend soybean oil and soybean meal […]

Conflict in Ukraine fuels uncertainty for agriculture

The Russian invasion has brought devastation to Ukraine, and uncertainty and volatility fueled by the conflict are rippling through U.S. and Texas agriculture markets. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service economists said both Russia and Ukraine do not represent major destinations for U.S. commodities, ranking 56th and 80th, respectively. However, the conflict’s impact on global trade, […]

Renewal of the approval of the active substance Purpureocillium lilacinum strain 251

COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2022/19 of 7 January 2022 renewing the approval of the active substance Purpureocillium lilacinum strain 251 in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market, and amending the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No […]

USDA: Fertilizer prices spike just ahead of 2022 planting season

What are nitrogen fertilizers? Nitrogen fertilizers are a key component in field crop production. And by nitrogen fertilizers we mean mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, both simple and complex. The main nitrogen fertilizers used in agriculture are: urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, MAP and DAP. Fertilizers make up an average of 36% of a farmer’s operating […]

American agricultural exports shattered records in 2021

The year 2021 has seen the highest annual export levels ever recorded in the U.S. agricultural industry, announced Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture. The Commerce Department released final trade data and they show that exports of U.S. agricultural and food products world totaled $177 billion, exceeding 2020 data by 18%. “These record trade figures demonstrate […]